2008/2009 www.dhanimusic.com
We are waiting for ... official myspace
photo: Bartek - FG No.1 Poland collage: Thommy - FG No.1
Backing Vocals - Album Release
~ Måns Zelmerlöw - "MZW" ~
Backing Vocals Editing: Dhani Lennevald
02. "One Minute More" 08. "Saved Again"
Infos & Audio: discogs.com music-releases.com
Will Dhani move to L. A. ?
Dhani's girlfriend Natacha Peyre -photomodel-
was shortly interviewd at the "Elle" Gala:
You'll be leaving for Los Angeles to work full time,
is Dhani going with you?
Hopefully! That is the plan. I'm supposed to work
for a radio station in Los Angeles.
So we will try to follow Dhani on Natacha´s blog
Dhani´s new website comming soon !
He's just in the studio, so check back later here
2006/Oct/28 Dhani LIVE !!
Tomelilla - Sweden Club "Tingvalla" photos
Dhani about his debut album:
Hey guys! Hope youre doing well!
Im still working on my album.. Thanks for waiting.
I promise to not disepoint you!!:)
The good thing is that its gonna sound EXACTLY like I want it!!
And look EXACTLY like I want it to.
So if you wait just a little bit longer Im gonna release my album,
and its gonna be a 110 procent me!!
Love you all!!
found on myspace fan account?
2006/May/10 Dhani in London
Dhani now sexier than ever !
After two years work with new material, Dhani´s new
debut single is "Let´s Do It Again" from his future release.
During the weekend Dhani is in London in order to play his
new materials with rapper Loon who earlier collaborated
with world artists like Toni Braxton, Usher and P Diddy.
Dhani has also kept his body in shape with a personal trainer,
Boris Kuzmic. The new, hard as stone Dhani is back !
source: TV4.se
2006/March/31 "Dorian" Magazine
Dhani Lennevald is just in the middle of recording
a club music inspired album that will be released
later this year and he gives a big interview in "Dorian"
about his musical-venture, his big fashion interest
(he buys clothes for everything between 5000 and
15.000 kronor each month...) and life after the A*TEENS.
He also confirms what his Ex-colleague Marie Serneholt
told in interviews, that A*TEENS are now only a memory
and that the four members are going for their own projects.
Dorian Magazine is an "edgy" fashion magazine, for men
with an unisex-style and it will be on the web April/05.
source: QX.se
Dhani fansite/Brazil photos
Dhani fansite/Belgium photos
2006/January Dhani @ "Vaerldens Barn"
Child Benefiz
" Let´s do it again "
Dhani performed his 2nd own song on TV1 video
2005/Dec/31 Photo Ranking
Dhani is on rank 17 on stureplan´s listing of
Sweden´s famous people who have been most
on their photos during the past year 2005.
Dhani is the only one of the former A*TEENS
members who´s on this list @ stureplan.se.
2005/Oct/18 " Let´s Do It Again "
Dhani´s 2nd and new single "Let´s Do It Again" is done !
Dhani : " I´m SOOO happy with it! :) The style its a bit
diffrent to girltalk... Cause now when Im in control of
EVERYTHING myself, it sounds Dhani. :) "
2005/August/25 Good-bye Sweden -
welcome New York !
Today Dhani left Sweden and flew to New York:
"I´m gonna be there for 4 weeks working on my album ..."
Read more about in the DhaniZone on Dhani.se
2005/June/22 Summer Tour Cancelled !!
So bad, Dhani will not have a tour this summer.
All band members are very busy at the time and
have a "crazy schedule" says Stockholm Records.
So, then maybe later!? He´s still in the studio.
2005/March/28 Dhani LIVE !!
Stockholm/Globen Hall Opening Westlife Concert
Our member Bartek from FG-Poland
met Dhani after his performence and
asked him when he´ll come to Poland
with his band? And Dhani answered:
"Surely in summer,
because I´ll have a tour this summer!"
A gallery of 30 photos is up on our multimedia site
credit to Bartek
2005/March/08 Watch Dhani "LIVE" !!
Dhani will perform the opening of the Westlife
concert on March/28 in Stockholm/Globen Hall.
Choreography: "Chucky" - Charles Klapow
2005/Jan/16 Dhani @ "Rockbjörnen"
Since a few days Dhani is back from Thailand.
Today he performed "Girl Talk" in Sweden´s
famous music awards show "Rockbjörnen" video
" GIRL TALK " - release today !!
Dhani´s debut single as solo artist !!
Dhani feat. Nik & Jay - "Girl Talk"
The official music clip to Dhani's brand new single
was recorded at August/12 in Stockholm/Sweden
video CDs discography