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(204 Einträge total)

#204   NerdE-MailHomepage02.07.2024 - 00:43
hier gibt es echt viel zu entdecken. Hoffe die Musik von damals setzt sich in gewisser Weise wieder durch. Modern ist ja nicht immer cool.

#203   Björn HammererE-Mail29.05.2024 - 23:03
Hallo Thomas,
die Videos von den A Teens mit dem Fantreffen in Stockholm und Köln sind klasse, Man warst du da noch Jung. Wie die Zeit vergeht!!!

#202   alexanderE-MailHomepage14.01.2024 - 07:48
Ich schreibe mit Vergnügen den Dank, den Namen hin. Das muss auch schon genügen, weil ich sehr schreibfaul bin

#201   Björn HammererE-Mail13.08.2023 - 09:29
nach dem Sieg der Schwedinnen gegen Japan wurde auf dem Platz: "Mamma Mia" von den A*Teens gespielt: D
Und es wird KEIN "WATERLOO" geben im Halbfinale gegen Spanien.

#200   BjörnE-Mail06.09.2021 - 11:01
Guten Morgen,
Comeback von ABBA, wäre doch nochmal ein Ansporn für die A*Teens auch nochmal zu starten!!!!

#199   Björn HammererE-Mail20.05.2021 - 09:02
Hallo zusammen!!!!!
Schön den Videochat anzusehen und wie viele dran teilnahmen.

#198   Björn HammererE-Mail22.03.2021 - 18:08
Endlich, wieder da deine Seite!!!!!!!
Lg Björn

#197   Björn HammererE-Mail30.11.2020 - 11:37
tolle Seite, und Fotos.
Comeback ausgeschlossen???
Ja, leider !

#196   Claudia23.06.2020 - 18:45
Ich finde die Seite sehr schön. Ich finde schade, dass heutige Zeit kein großer Musik Erfolg zu sehen und zu hören gibt. Ich war früher ein riesen großer no Angels Fan heutige Zeit noch Super. Backstreet Boys, Samajona, Jeanette Biedermann und Alexander Klaws, Juli, Alizée alle verschwunden schade

#195   bledE-Mail22.10.2019 - 10:16
Hola un saludo a todos ; me gusta este grupo quisiera unirme a el

#194   Ricardo14.09.2018 - 05:42
Amazing website! I loved the photos and videos of the visit to Sara in 2016. Greetings from Argentina.
Thanks for your interest and gb entry ! Greetings to Argentina, Thomas

#193   Björn HammererE-Mail02.11.2017 - 08:14
Hallo Thomas,
ich finde die Seite richtig gut.

#192   Marco M.26.09.2015 - 23:42
Hi there,
where to start, or where are all these years?
I'm so glad to be here again. And such a shame, a long time doesn't visit again. I'm sorry.
Today anyhow, the memory of all the greate times were falling like a leafe on the water and the waves makes me smile and sad together. I like to thank "Thommy" and all the others for the time we had. Sadly, never was there by the meetings with the awesome 4. All I have are photos with the places when the Fangroup was tehere with the 4. Allways had the wish to being there too. It's still a wish.
Time or life passed by and so much happend. Thommy, you remember about my visits? Never find the time again to reorganize the Marie fanpage. She's now a real woman and not less lovely like the years before.
There was so much ideas in my min: a interview with her/them and a photoshooting, the drawings that was made for her are still there in a folder. If there will be a chance...? Sometimes things need a long time to happend. Feels like a hole since the A*TEENS are history. This side makes it easyer.
Respect, after all these years this site is still online and it's like the music of the 4 famous singers: unforgetable.
You all and "Thommy" does a greate work. Anyhow, perhaps I finde my way back to you.

Take care all, love and freedome for all of you AROUND THE WORLD, let's sing ...TO THE MUSIC.

Best reagrds
Marco M. - 565

Hi Marco,
let's come in contact again, please mail me to fangroup@gmx.de
Surprise waiting !! Thommy

#191   LucíaE-Mail24.04.2015 - 03:22
Hello to everyone!
It's really amazing that we keep on having contact through all these years...
I'm from Uruguay and I still love A Teens like the first time I saw them. Time goes by and our lifes change because we grow up but it's great to have contact with fans around the world and even with the lovely 4.
Congratulations to the Fangroup and specially to Thommy who has been and still is the head of this great group.
Take care!

#190   JulienE-Mail18.03.2014 - 23:07
It's quite something that so many years have passed. I'm so grateful that this site keeps the A-Teens communuty alive and connects us all across the globe. Fantastic how music can bring people together, regardless of where you're from or what language you speak. I will certainly raise my glass and say happy birthday to Fangroup, and thank you for everything! Even A-Teens themselves have been impressed by all your great support. So congratulations and halpy birthday. Looking forward to all the years to come!

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