2014/December Dhani instagram facebook
works as songwriter and producer
for ELEVENT LVNT website facebook instagram
and Sony/ATV Scandinavia website facebook
2014/Dec/31 New Years Dinner !
Dhani in action, just before it will be served: photo/IG
For more of "Dhani & Ida 2014" please visit Ida's IG
2014/Dec/28 Bedhead
Dhani: "I usually go on my day like this ..." photo/IG
2014/Dec/24 Merry Christmas !
... from Dhani on his Instagram - incl. dessert tipp !
2014/Nov/28 A*TEENS Reunion 2014.2
Yesterday Sara, Marie, Amit and Dhani met up with
their Ex-manager Anders and Ex-person in charge and
bodyguard Stefan @ Nosh and Chow in Stockholm !
PICS: D/IG M/IG (b) M/BLOG S/IG A/IG A/f1 A/f2 St/f
2014/Oct/25 Brother Dhani
Studio work: Dhani listen to ... ?? photo/IG
2014/Oct/22 Surprise Surprise !
Amit, Marie and Dhani surprised us in a café in Stockholm !
Thank you Dhani for coming, it was so nice to meet you again !
For more about please visit our EXTRA page and Dhani's IG
Before the meeting Dhani has worked in the studio: photo/IG
2014/Oct/10 Man @ Work
Arises here just a new song for Dhani's solo project ? photo/IG
2014/Oct/01 New Solo Project !
According to A*TEENS Chile's facebook posting
Dhani is currently working on his new solo project
that he wants to present us in early 2015 ! english
Photo: Dhani's IG Sept/11
Daniel Wellington Watches
Dhani looks great on the new promotion pic you
can watch on DW´s website or on Dhani´s IG
2014/Sept/04 Lous Vuitton Monogram
It looks like that Dhani got his LV Damier Graphit product,
personalized with his initials in his favorite color: photo/IG
And how would YOU define "wealth" ?? Dhani: photo/IG
2014/Aug/22-23 THE BIG WEDDING
of Dhani´s friends Kristoffer Ahlbom (Nightclub Manager)
and his now- wife Sophia ! tagged photos: ALBUM / IG
But look who else we know is invited - yes, it´s Marie !
IG / Wedding / Dhani Photo Mix: 01 02 03 04 05 06
2014/Aug/19 Professional
Selfie for Daniel Wellington watches: photo/IG
2014/Aug/14 LOCATIONS
Photos/IG: Falsterbo beach 01 02 At a friend´s home
Dinner restaurant On the water boat
Photo: Dhani/IG
2014/Aug/06 Sailing in Sweden
Sailing trip with the family - IG photos by Dhani & Ida:
Aug/03: 01 02 03 04 05 06 A/04 CLIP A/05 A/06
2014/July/30 Happy Vacation !
Holiday pictures from Dhani and Ida in Greece ....
on Dhani´s Instagram: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
on Ida´s IG: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 CLIP
Pic from Ida´s clip above:
2014/July/24 2x Happy Birthday !
How nice is that ?! We have two birthdays today :
Dhani turns 30 and his girlfriend Ida just 25
Please congratulate on Dhani´s and Ida´s
Instagrams ! PHOTOS: 01 (above) 02 03
2014/July/17 S U N S E T L O V E
WOW ! What a nice photo (left) Dhani has uploaded on his IG today !
For more pics please visit DHANI & IDA on Instagram ... and listen to
7 tracks of the
2014/July/16 Little Haircut Horror
Dhani got a new hair cut ! The result is as questionable
as the method and not for the faint-hearted ! CLIP/IG
2014/July/13 In best shape !
Dhani turns 30 in 11 days ! photo/IG
Dhani´s New Love: Ida Ståhlberg
The 24-year-old model now confirmed the relationship
with Dhani to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet
"It´s very new but serious" she writes in an email to CLICK,
and further: "He´s amazing and I´m very happy with him"
The first photos showing the couple together,
Dhani and Ida have published on their
Instagrams: 6/20 06/23 06/28 6/30 6/30
2014/June/30 A*TEENS Guy´s Reunion
Two guys from L.A. visiting two guys in Stockholm
"Chucky" (A*TEENS choreographer and dancer)
and Christian (A*TEENS dancer) met up today
with Amit and Dhani ! Photos/IG: 01 02 03
Christian "Chucky" Amit Dhani
2014/June/26 " STELLAR LIGHT "
"Stellar Light" by Lupe Fiasco was released
as the official rallying anthem of the USMNT
The song was made by Dhani, Ishi and Jason Gill
Vocals: Jason Gill Produced by Ishi Dhani/IG
Check out this video + infos on youtube !
2014/June/19 Denniz PoP Awards
June/12 Dhani visits the Awards w. friends and guys
he is working with. photos/IG: 01 02 03 04 05
2014/June/09 Anton Ewald EP
Anton Ewald´s On My Way EP on itunes
"A must have" Dhani say on his Instagram
The songs 3 and 4 are co-written by Dhani !
Two New Songs - written by Dhani !
The Swedish artist Anton Ewald has released his new EP
"On My Way", including the two new songs "Prison" and
"Should´ve Named You Trouble" Dhani has co- written
and produced ("SNYT"). Check out Dhani´s instagram
for more details, and Anton´s fb page for the tracklist
of the complete EP you now can listen to - on spotify !
2014/June/02 Dhani in L. A.
Latest Instagram photos: 05/29 06/01 06/02
Photo: Dhani met old friends - here the Swedish Elite
model Therese Fischer
2014/May/23 Two New Photos
Check them out on Dhani´s IG: 05/21 05/23
2014/May/17 Two New Selfies
Check them out on Dhani´s IG: 05/15 05/17
2014/April/20 HAPPY EASTER !
The Swedish explanation of " how to make an
Easter chick " - by Dhani´s niece ! CLIP/IG
<<<<<<<<< nieces & uncles >>>>>>>>>>
2014/April/14 H A I R
How Dhani styles his hair >> photo/IG
Our members Alvaro and Julien asked
for a video - so will we see one soon ??
2014/April/10 Casting for MIKAs
Check out Dhani´s look for the casting at Mikas, photo/IG
Scandinavian´s leading model agency: website facebook
2014/Mar/14 What happened ??
What can happen if you listen to music ... photo/IG
2014/Mar/09 Summer Preparations
Dhani knows what he will do this summer ... IG photo
Check out some nice pics of the photo-shooting
last year Dhani did for the PAPPA magazine: DSP
2014/Jan/14 Food Shopping
It looks very best what Dhani has buyed in the
supermarket - check it out on his instagram
2014/Jan/08 Healthy Lifestyle
Read what Dhani thinks about on his instagram
2014/Jan/01 Happy New Year !
The original photo with comments
you can find on Dhani´s instagram
News of 2013 and earlier
you can find in our
or check the last news from 2013