2015/December Follow Amit on Instagram UnnurArt (wife)
facebook Twitter Paxymer
his official facebook fanpage
(run by team-member Marina)
POP/ROCK Quintet web fb soundcloud insta YouTube twitter
2015/Dec/31 IT'S A GIRL !
The watches in Sweden show just before midnight,
outside starts the fireworks for the new year, as at
23:52 Amit's wife Unnur gives birth to a daughter !
So Welcome on earth little girl and congratulations
to the new parents ! Follow - see you in 2016 !
2015/Dec/29 Winter Walk
Amit and Unnur enjoy the snow and a walk in the
park @ Drottingholm Palace photos/IG: 01 02
Amit @ mynewsdesk.com
2015/Dec/23 Amit In Da Bus
Image by Amit's wife Unnur photo/IG
2015/Dec/12 Christmas Party
Funniest Christmas choir ever !! photo/IG
ART Unnur's Christmas cards you can buy
and order @ ROSA STHLM IG: 01 02 03
2015/Nov/22 Home Bakery
It smells like Christmas at home ... photo/IG
2015/Nov/05 Points & Facts
CHILDBIRTH Soon it's time ! photo/IG
2015/Nov/03 LAUNCH Nordic
LAUNCH Nordic event:
NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman, Amit Paxymer
and two more innovators share new ideas and
technologies around materials innovations .....
Photos/IG+Twitter: 01 02 03 04 05 VIDEO
2015/Oct/31 Happy Halloween
Amit & Unnur Halloween, fall walk & Afternoon Tea
@ Häringe Castle photos/IG: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Note ! Sweden is a child-friendly country :)
2015/October/29 Amit turns 32 today ! |
![]() |
Photos: above by UnnurArt + another one on Amit's IG
2015/Oct/01 Soon Mama & Papa
Amit and Unnur soon will be parents: photo/IG
CONRATULATIONS again ! Check also Aug/23 !
2015/Sept/23 Nöjesguiden
Article with interview about Amit and his career
in the Swedish newspaper "Nöjesguiden"
article english pic/IG
2015/Sept/20 Sheep Herding
Yesterday Amit helped collecting sheeps on a friend's
farm in Iceland photo/IG ... and prompt found a new
4-legged friend: "Aða"
Extreme Herding video/YT
Photo/IG (by Unnurart)
2015/Sept/18 Charity Concert
CLIP from Amit's performence yesterday: CLIP/IG
Credit to Unnur for recording and posting it, thanks !
2015/Sept/17 Parkinson Association
Charity Concert - 20:00 - Reykjavik / Iceland infos/english
The concert included many of the brightest stars in the world
of music in Iceland. Beside other, Amit will perform with the
octett "Einn Tvöfaldur" (One Double), which is composed
of members of the men's choir "Fóstbræðra".
Photos/IG: 01 02 03 04
2015/Sept/08 Unnur & Amit
Polaroid photo on Unnur's Instagram
2015/Aug/23 Soon Parents
! ! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! !
Not offically confirmd yet, but Unnur & Amit
soon become "Mum & Dad" like you can see
on the IG-photo below - taken yesterday at
Unnur's exhibition in Reykjavik ... photo/IG
2015/Aug/22 Proud Husband
Amit is so proud of his wife Unnur ! She's an artist
and has an exhibition today in Reykjavik / Iceland:
"Döfnun" ("Faded") by Unnur Yrr @ Galleri Fold
Instagram: 01 02 03 facebook: 01 02 03 04
2015/Aug/17 X-Rayed Legs
Amit's leg is healthy again and fully loadable (!)
says the doc after inspecting the X-ray image
that Amit has posted on his Instagram today.
So we hope to see you running soon again !
Amit and his Bengali bride
Three years married: Amit & his wife Unnur from
Iceland - time to take a look back ... photo/IG
2015/August/02 Bye Iceland !
Back to Stockholm today ... and the last pictures of
the beautiful Iceland. Photos/IG: 01 02 03 04 05
2015/July/25 Little Songwriting
Iceland Amit uses the time when Unnur is working
and writes on new songs. photos/IG: 01 02
2015/July/23 Explore Iceland
Follow Amit and Unnur, who currently works
in Iceland. photos/IG: 01 02 03 04 05
2015/July/21 Wedding In Iceland
Last weekend Amit helped at the preparations
for the wedding of Mario & Eva ... #ariogeva
Photos/IG: 01 02 03
Remember to Amit & Unnur's wedding ? IG
2015/July/18 Vacation In Iceland
Destination in Iceland reached ... photo/IG
2015/July/16 Stopover In Oslo
Amit has just landed at Oslo airport photo/IG
and remembers very well to the last time he was
there and had to sit in a wheelchair, because of
the terrible ski accident in February. Right now
Amit is on the way to Iceland and his wife Unnur
who is currently working there ... photo/IG
2015/July/02 Three Screws Less
Amit got three more screws out of his leg now. After
the surgery he enjoyed the post-op coffee you'll get
= christmas for the circulatory system ! photo/IG
2015/June/27 Pizza á la Amit
A pity that the result was not posted !
Photo by Amit's wife: UnnurArt @ IG
2015/June/19-20 Happy Midsummer !
Midsummer preparations - good job Amit ! photo/IG
Photos by Amit's wife Unnur: 01 02 03 04 05 06
2015/June/17 Cool Pool
In Iceland Amit took a bath outside in the
country ... his wife Unnur took this photo/IG
2015/June/11 Cut Me Open
"Cut Me Open" by Moccasin - listen now @ soundcloud
2015/June/06 Moccasin was 3rd !
Moccasin reached the 3rd place at the Swedish Final #1
of the Emergenza Festival last night ! Congratulations !!!
Photos/IG: 01 02 03 other: 01 02
Photo below was taken by Amit's wife Unnur, 2nd one here
2015/June/05 MOCCASIN LIVE !
MOCCASIN LIVE 22:20 @ Debaser Medis / Stockholm
Amit and his bandmates will rock you at the Swedish finals
of EMERGENZA - the biggest festival for unsigned bands !
Ticket infos @ facebook website IG: 01 02 03 04
2015/May/29 Gislaved Big Band
Yesterday Amit had the pleasure to sing with the
"Gislaved Big Band" on the staff party "Kicking Tires 2015"
of the Affärsracet, the "Race for Business" industry expo,
held May/27-28 at the Anderstorp Raceway in Sweden.
Photo: Amit/IG
2015/May/25 Questions to Amit
Amit interview: Please leave your question(s)
to Amit on his official facebook fanpage HERE
2015/May/14 MOCCASIN
Amit is now member of the band Moccasin
- a Swedish pop/rock quintet, founded in late
2014 in Stockholm. CLIP website fb IG YT
LIVE Swedish finals of EMERGENZA festival -
the world's biggest festival for unsigned bands
June/05 @ Debaser Medis / Sthlm INFO fb IG
2015/May/01 Valborg Bonfire
Not only a Swedish tradition to welcome the
spring with a fire and a little fest ... photo/IG
2015/Apr/21-24 Elmia Polymer
Amit @ the Elmia Polymer, Scandinavian's largest
trade fair focusing exclusively on the plastics and
rubber industry, held in Jönköping/Sweden. web
We assume that Amit has exhibited for Paxymer
and enjoyed his stay there. photos/IG: 01 02
2015/Apr/12 Outfit 1912
Friend's b-day, Amit & Unnur in Titanic-look !
" Thanks for a better party ! " photo/IG
2015/Apr/01 April April ??
No ! It does not sounds like a joke what Amit
has posted on his insta: " ... jumping around
without crutches outdoors for the first time "
Time to celebrate with wife and Pizza ! photo/IG
2 days ago Amit was a great assistant photo/IG
2015/Mar/28 Video Interview
Sara, Amit and Dhani visited Marie yesterday at Let's Dance
where the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet took the chance
to ask the 4 ex-colleagues if something exciting is coming ?
video + photos
2015/Mar/27 Let's Dance
Amit and his wife Unnur visited the TV show
Let's Dance with Sara and Dhani tonight to
support Marie ! photos/IG: 01 02
2015/Mar/22 Award Won !
Amit won the best pitch award of the Nordic Cleantech 25
today, held in Trolleholm Castle near Malmö. Photos: 01 02
Congratulations to Amit and Paxymer.se !
And that was why Amit couldn't participate at the meeting
with Sara, Marie and Dhani today in Stockholm. (photo)
But like Marie posted, he was with them via FaceTime app.
2015/Mar/14 Walking
It's nice to know that Amit makes progress, but he
has to go with crutches for some time. IG: 01 02
All the best, that it will become better day by day !
2015/Mar/06 The Ski Accident
Amit had a terrible ski accident in Norway two weeks ago,
so today he let us know the details and how it happened:
As a I charged forward my skis got stuck in a hole and I
continued forward as my skis completely stopped. I broke
both bones in my right leg about 10 cm under the edge of my
ski boot. I was operated in Norway two weeks ago and now
I am going thorough rehabilitation which I will most likely be
doing for the next 9-12 months. I am in good spirits though
and focused on getting back fully. It was terribly painful
but the doctors were happy about the operation
and says I should be able of recover fully."
Thank you Amit for the details about your accident,
we all cross our fingers for you now, that you'll come
back soon ... and fully recovered of course !
Cheer up Amit, it will become fine again soon ! ;)
Leg Broken !
OMG ! What happened ?
Amit has broken his leg !
How could that happen ?
Get well soon Amit !
!! Best wishes !!
2015/Feb/14 Happy Valentine !
Unnur & Amit ... what a perfect match ! photo/IG
2015/Feb/07 African Dance
Amit is proud of his sister ! And his wife Unnur wish
she could dance like Mandira ... IG: photo CLIP
2015/Jan/31 Adam Tensta
Amit visited Rapper Tensta's presentation in the café
Sixten & Frans in Stockholm. photos: 01 02 03
2015/Jan/11 Welcome Back !
Stockholm, Airport: Amit waiting for his baggage photo/IG
2015/Jan/08 On Vacacions
Skiing in Switzerland: Amit enjoys the snowy mountains in
Engelberg and has found a new friend. photos/IG: 01 02
News of 2014 and earlier
you can find in our
or check Amit's news of 2014